AB 32 – How can one bill change the world?

California’s greenhouse gas bill has been getting strong reactions. Some support it and some oppose it strongly. So what do you really know about AB 32? The environmental law AB 32 is a global warming solutions act that was signed in 2006 in order to help California fight global warming by achieving stabilization of greenhouse…


Steve Bender

Steve grew up in an environmental family. Not only was his father winning awards for water conservation in the 60s, but he was also raising organic beef in Kansas well before they called it organic. Steve moved to a house on the Back Bay almost two decades ago and has been involved in many different…


03/31/2010 – “Green is Everyone’s Business” Event Celebrates Launch of Green Chamber of San Diego County

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Media Contact: Jeannie Horner Allison & Partners (619) 533-7977 Jeannie@allisonpr.com SAN DIEGO (March 31, 2010) – The Green Chamber of San Diego County invites the community of San Diego to celebrate the region’s green business revolution with the organization’s kickoff event, “Green is Everyone’s Business,” at the Belly Up Tavern in Solana…
