The Buzz on Bees

  Mayan’s predicted that bee populations would cease to exist as a first phase of the 2012 apocalyptic disasters to come. While the allocations may seem far-fetched for some, the peril of the honeybee Colony Collapse Disorder is still a very realistic threat. Colony Collapse Disorder could result in loses of up to 90 percent…


After the Storm – The ‘Green’ Lining

  Tragedy struck Joplin Missouri this past Sunday as one of the largest single tornados in this half century ripped through the town of 49,000 people, leaving the area in complete devastation. April 27th 2011  tornado storm overcame the southern states striking the area with 135 tornadoes, taking the lives of 319 Americans. A month later victims of this the calamity are…


Fed Agencies to Buy 100% Clean Cars by 2015 News   Today the Obama administration moved the federal government closer to its goal of cutting petroleum consumption 30% by 2020 and putting 1 million advanced vehicles on the road by 2015. President Obama issued a Presidential Memorandum ordering federal agencies to develop guidelines for 100% purchasing of alternative fueled passenger vehicles and light-duty trucks by 2015.…


New Media Helps Tourist Economies Rebound

The following case study is part of a project by MPA students at the Presidio Graduate School on information management technology and policy. You can read the rest of the series here. By Evelyn Lee In the US, the tourist industry routinely generates more than $10 billion a month in trade surplus and is consistently listed…


Eating Local: Does It Matter?

A discerning locavore might have questions about their origins, but a new study suggests those concerns are somewhat misplaced. It is a veritable maxim of the modern environmental movement: To help heal the planet, eat local. If only it were that simple. A growing number of studies, including one recently published in the journal Environmental Science…
