Green Chamber Supports Prop. 37

The California Right to Know Genetically Engineered Food Act (Prop. 37) looks to add new labeling requirements to food retailers and producers that sell food products containing Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs). GMOs, or biotechnology foods, are plants and animals that have features scientifically-engineered in order to ensure a higher yield. The main goal of Prop.…


FTC Moves to Limit ‘Greenwashing’

On Monday the Federal Trade Commission updated their Green Marketing Guidelines, known as the Green Guides, to help limit misleading and false claims that products are ‘green’ or ‘environmentally friendly.’  This is the first revision since 1998.  The new sections include the use of carbon offsets, “green” certifications and seals, and renewable energy and renewable…


Green Travel Tips!

Five easy ways to go green on your next vacation! 1. Unplug: Save electricity while you are away! Before you head out, unplug any appliance that won’t be in use while you’re gone such as computers, chargers, televisions, and microwaves. As much as 10 percent of the electricity used in your home is wasted energy…


Monsanto Is Lying to You

    Monsanto has recently posted (14 Aug 2012) an article on their website about why they are spending  millions of dollars to defeat California’s Proposition 37 which would require that foods made with GMO ingredients be labeled.  However, Monsanto has a way with words that is very deceptive and downright untrue.  Another article, published…
