USGCC Sponsors

Eco Tip:
Update Your Lights this Holiday Season

LEDs are much cheaper and last longer, making them the better eco-choice. Many retailers and municipalities have exchange programs to trade out your old strands. LEDs use about 90% less energy than traditional bulbs. The Department of Energy breaks it down: running incandescents for 40 days would cost $9.50, compared to just $0.39 for LEDs!
Only a Few Weeks Left to Join Us on the Trip of a Lifetime!

Want to give yourself or a loved one a great holiday gift? Join the Green Chamber and over 40 of our members and friends on this amazing trip to China! For just $2,195 you can have a nine-day all inclusive trip to experience the wonders of China! We will be visiting the Great Wall of China, the Temple of Heaven, Tiananmen Square, and so much more.
View our Itinerary Here
Our Fantastic Event at UCSD

In November we hosted an event at UCSD on Energy 2020. The USGCC would like to thank our sponsors and presenters for making the night a success. We look forward to hearing more from them soon at our next event where the focus will be centered around postive sustainable solutions. If you missed the event there is a live video available on the USGCC YouTube channel.