USGCC Sponsors

Holiday Eco Tip:
Real vs. Artificial Christmas Trees

Opt for a real tree this holiday season, as long as you recycle it come January! “Treecycling” is one of the many reasons why buying real trees instead of artificial ones are the better eco-choice.
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Limited Time Left to Join Us on an UnforgettableTrip to China!

Bring your loved one on an incredible China adventure! Join the Green Chamber and over 45 of our members and friends on this amazing trip. For just $2,195 you can have a nine-day all inclusive trip to experience the wonders of China! We will be visiting the Great Wall of China, the Temple of Heaven, Tiananmen Square, and so much more.
View our Itinerary Here
International Climate Talks End

International climate talks between some 200 nations ended last week after closing with a marathon 36 hour session. Nations from around the world met to discuss carbon emissions and global warming. What came out the talks? First of all, the 1997 Kyoto Protocol, which places limits on some greenhouse gas emissions in developed countries, was extended to 2020…
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