How to Reach Your Ideal Green Audience
On Feb. 11, join Carolyn Parrs of Mind Over Markets, as she helps entrepreneurs, conscious business people and organizations get really clear on their brand.
Sign up now for her free online Master Class for Green Business: “How to Reach Your Ideal Audience, Capture Their Attention and Create Lasting, Lucrative Relationships.”, as she teaches businesses exactly where to look to find your ideal audience, how to capture their attention and more!
You will walk away with real tools and ideas that can take your business or organization to the next level of success in 2016.
The webinar will take place on Thursday, February 11 at 1:00pm Pacific/4:00pm Eastern.
Click here to sign up for “How to Reach Your Ideal Audience, Capture Their Attention and Create Lasting, Lucrative Relationships”
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What We Take for Granted: Part 1, Clean Water
By Heather Haas
Recent news has got my head spinning. Reading the news about Flint, Michigan’s poisoned water is bringing up powerful emotions.
The city, facing declining tax revenues, was looking for ways to save some money. The water supply was a target of budget cuts, with the city deciding to switch from buying water from nearby Detroit, to pulling water from the Flint River.
Corrosion control was not completed when the water supply was changed, leading to lead leaching from the old pipes of the city and its homes.
This is the type of disaster that brought forth the modern environmental movement. How on Earth could this happen in this day and age? There are two things contemporary U.S. Citizens take for granted, but shouldn’t: clean water and clean air.
How To Tax Carbon – And Grow The Economy
The debate over whether climate change is real is essentially settled. Now the question is, what are we going to do about keeping temperatures from rising out of control?
Here’s one idea: Support a carbon tax.
Unfortunately, there’s a lot of resistance from a few sectors – namely the fossil fuel industry – which means to see any movement on this, the rest of the business community will need to step up.
If more businesses get involved on policies like this from the beginning, policymakers can take a stand on climate change without having to worry about losing their seats.
That’ll mean more and faster action. And when it comes to climate change, we can’t afford to wait any longer.
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Navigate the Changing Landscape
The Responsible Business Summit USA, New York (April, 12-13, 2016) promises to bring the top minds in sustainability together; with C-Suite and Board-level executives from some of the world’s leading brands set to attend.
Present will be representatives of Timberland, Interface, Hewlett Packard Enterprise, Campbell’s, Glaxo Smith Klein, Citi, Johnson & Johnson, Bloomberg, Fedex, Huntsman, Bombardier and many more.
The summit represents a great opportunity for professionals concerned with corporate responsibility to gain the insight and connectivity that ensures real business change.
For more information on this summit please visit the event website here.
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Mo Chapter Networking Event Features 2015-2016 Updates

About 10 hardy souls ventured out in frigid weather for a Friday gathering that featured networking — and a 2015-2016 US Green Chamber, Missouri Chapter update.
Event attendees included Carla Hunter, an owner of The Lawn Company; University of Missouri Sustainability Director Srinivasan (Raghu) Raghavan; Vaughn Prost, CEO of Prost Builders; and Jeffrey Owens of Missouri Solar Applications.
The update features 2016 goals, which include increasing collaborations, business memberships, board members, and visibility, partly through events. The Green Chamber will exhibit at Earth Day this year, and host a first-time-for-Columbia sporting event: the First Annual Missouri Green Chamber Disc Golf Tournament.
Plans for the next networking event include a one-on-one exchange with a Columbia City Council candidate about city involvement in sustainability efforts and renewable energy. Stay Tuned!
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What We Take for Granted: Part 2, Clean Air
By Heather Haas
Much like clean water, clean air is something Americans tend to take for granted, but shouldn’t.
Most people spend upwards of 90% of their time indoors, making indoor air quality a major factor in human health. Chances are good there is something you can do to improve the air inside your office regardless of its current quality. Any steps you take are sure to be appreciated by everyone that spends their days breathing in your building.
Clean air is always a worthwhile investment, and you get happier, healthier, and more productive employees as a result. You and everyone around you must breath all day long, don’t take the cleanliness of the air for granted!
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