1. Look for opportunities to generate power efficiency
Did you know that electronics in the home and office use energy even when powered down? To save energy check the power management features on devices used, make sure to unplug equipment at the end of the day, and using a power strips for efficiency. Remember when investing in new appliances or equipment to look for the Energy Star ratings on products to better assist your purchasing decisions.
2. Use alternative ways of transportation when possible
Did you know that automobiles emit the most pollution in the first 20 minutes they are running? Biking, walking, taking public transportation, and/or setting up a carpool system in the office can drastically reduce carbon emissions. Checking out local ride share programs online can help to cut cost and save time.
3. Revamp recycling in home and at the office
Reducing waste, reusing materials when possible and always recycle to insure the office or home is conserving energy and reducing greenhouse emissions. E-waste collections are especially important for disposing of electronics properly it insure harmful material is not sent to landfills. Check out CalRecycle for local E-Waste collections. Also remember to look for recycle content when purchasing products.
4. Reduce energy usage
Save energy and reduce the carbon footprint by checking the heating and cooling equipment. Checking and clean air filters; turn down the thermostat and water heaters around the office and home reduce your energy bill! Check out the EPA’s personal greenhouse gas emissions calculator to create a better plan for personal CO2 management.
5. Shop Local, Shop in season, Shop Sustainable
By buying local in season produce avoids the need for shipping food thousands miles across the country reducing carbon emissions worldwide. Check out the Natural Resources Defense Council’s Eat Local Seasonal Food Chart for more information on what delicious produce your community has to offer.
6. On the Road
To improve fuel economy follow speed limits, stay away from fast accelerations, check your tires, go easy on brakes and gas, reduce time spent idling, and unload unnecessary items from your vehicle. These tactics won’t only help reduce carbon emission but they save on gas and keep your car working better longer. Check out the U.S Department of Energy smart tips on car purchasing when considering environmental impact and overall vehicle performance.