Green Transportation
Going “green” is not just good for the environment — it is also good for business. Now more than ever, consumers and employees seek out environmentally friendly companies and products. Businesses are discovering that going green generates significant cost savings on daily operations. One of the areas where businesses can significantly reduce their costs and carbon emissions is transportation. Green transportation is important for a number of reasons including for reducing greenhouse gas emissions, minimizing our dependence on foreign oil, and helping avoid the health risks produced by our car-centered society.
For Members: Email Team@USGreenChamber.com to learn more about accessing these toolkits.

Transportation Toolkit
Transportation encompasses business activities like deliveries, shipping, employee travel, and commuting. By fully understanding your company’s transportation practices, you can make your business more effective and competitive, all while protecting the environment.1 This transportation toolkit will help you utilize your resources more efficiently, reduce your operating costs over time, improve your reputation, and increase your overall competitiveness.