Tap into the collective power of influential business and NGO pioneers to create new strategies and

 tactics to build a more socially and environmentally conscious world.

The U.S. Green Chamber of Commerce is excited to bring you our newest Q&A series, Global Sustainability Leaders.
We’ve traveled the globe searching for the best and brightest sustainability leaders and we’ve found them. In our series, you will meet the
people who are creating a healthier and happier planet for you, your business and your community. Click here to view all of our Global Leaders


Mindahi Bastida Muñoz

Company/NGO Name:

The Otomí-Toltec Regional Council; The Fountain

Region, Country:

Zanbatha, Mexico

1. What is the mission of your NGO? 

Restore the Original Instructions and ancestral wisdom through the Unification Process based on the Four Earth Mandates.


2. What is the most environmentally/socially impactful practice your NGO has implemented?

Fourth Earth Mandates (FEM) program.


3. How have those projects positively impacted the local community and/or your country?

The Four Earth Mandates (FEM) program is raising consciousness based on ancestral wisdom at local and global levels.


4. Please share any new projects you will be implementing in the near future.

Four Earth Mandates (FEM) program will be advanced in subsequent phases. It is a collective response to the instructions given by Mother Earth to spiritual indigenous authorities and caregivers in May 2013 in the Americas. This initiative is intended to provide support to Mother Earth’s caregivers in their ongoing processes to cultivate ancestral wisdom of Unification and the Good Living in relationship with the extended communities. The ancestral wisdom of Unification talks about the process whereby all beings recover harmony, balance and peace with Mother Earth according to the original instructions. Good Living is an ancestral philosophical approach of being, acting and behaving with the natural world and Mother Earth.

The FEM are:
I. Creation of the Council of Elders; II. Activation of Sacred Sites; III.Houses of Original Thought; IV. Intercultural Dialogue and exchange.


5. Personally—Why do you care about sustainability? What is your story?

I care about sustainability based in ancestral Wisdom. It means I have been dedicating my being to strengthening the ancestral philosophy about the care of life. Ever since 1988 I began to carry out collective ceremonies and rituals for Mother Earth and the care of nature. I proposed and developed the first Bachelor on Sustainable Development at the Intercultural University of Mexico State in 2003 and the first Bachelor of its kind began to be offered in 2004 in this University where I was the founder Director.


6. What is/are the biggest environmental or social challenge(s) facing your country today?

The loss of Biocultural Diversity and heritage.


7. What is the most positive action your country has taken to positively impact its environment or social well-being

Acknowledgement of Indigenous Peoples in the National Constitution of Mexico.


A Universal Message – Short Film by Varial Featuring Mindahi Bastida Muñoz:


To learn more, please visit the following links to organizations Mindahi Bastida Muñoz actively participates in:

The Fountain: thefountain.earth

The Center for Sacred Studies: centerforsacredstudies.org

Earth Timekeepers: earthtimekeepers.org

Facebook profile: facebook.com/mindahi.bastida