Tap into the collective power of influential business and NGO pioneers to create new strategies and
tactics to build a more socially and environmentally conscious world.
Tap into the collective power of influential business and NGO pioneers to create new strategies and
tactics to build a more socially and environmentally conscious world.
Carlos Manuel Rodriguez
Company/NGO Name:
Ministry of Environment and Energy of Costa Rica
Region, Country:
Costa Rica
1. What is the mission of your company/ngo?
The Ministry of Environment and Energy of Costa Rica is the maximum authority regarding the natural resources of the country, in land and water. Also the exercises tutelage of the energy sector in the country.
2. What is the most innovative or environmentally/socially impactful project/practice your company/NGO has implemented?
Our National De-carbonization Plan, is an ambitious plan not only to be carbon neutral but to be carbon positive. It is a plan that intends to promote healthier non-emission practices in several sectors such as agriculture, construction, transportation and others. It will dramatically change our ways of life into greener practices, with the intention to recover important aspects of our daily life like having fishable and swimmable rivers in the cities, reflecting on healthier lifestyles.
3. How have those projects positively impacted the local community and/ or your country?
The project itself is just beginning, we have set goals to 2030 and 2050, but the notion of carbon positiveness is well written in our DNA as Costa Ricans and we fell positive about the outcome of the project. It is important to notice that as a by-product of this plan, we not only intend to have greener practices towards the environment but also healthier practices for the people.
4. Please share any new projects you will be implementing in the near future.
1)Strengthening of our PSA (Pago por Servicios Ambientales)
2)Active participation in the National De-carbonization Plan
3)Co-chaired a much successful PreCOP25
6. What inspired you to choose your career path?
Love of nature and its’ marvels
7. Why do you care about sustainability? What is your story?
Sustainability sustains life on Earth, that pretty much explains itself. I am a father of 4 beautiful kids and for me, it is essential that they get to grow to become aware citizens of the world and they are aware about living in a community and by living a successful life in that community. They have to learn to respect not only their neighbors but also nature around them, one cannot live without the other.
8. What is/are the biggest incentive(s) for businesses in your country to adopt sustainable practices?
We have successful practices like the aforementioned PSA (Pagos por Servicios Ambientales), where we pay people/companies to preserve forest coverage and to recover land used in agriculture to forest.
9. What is/are the biggest environmental or social challenge(s) facing your country today?
Connecting the different municipalities and institutions to work side by side on improving environmental policies in the different regions.
10. What is the most positive action your country has taken to positively impact its environment or social well-being?
The transition of the environmental awareness to the younger generations through governmental outreach.
Bonus Questions:
What are your thoughts on climate change? What is your company/organization doing to help bring awareness or to help mitigate climate change? It is real. It is causing problems. It needs to be treated globally. And it is not discriminating, poorer groups are feeling it first-handed but eventually the richer groups will feel it as well. It is a global issue and need to be addressed as it.
What are the biggest challenges you have faced when pursuing or trying to promote sustainable practices/projects? Institutionally, bureaucracy is the hardest part of it, many policies are well planned and well developed but the government find themselves in a grid lock when it comes to bureaucracy.
How dedicated are your nation’s businesses to corporate social responsibility? List some practices you think would be helpful.
They do their roll and play it well, ideally more and more businesses will start giving CSR the importance needed.
To learn more, please visit the Ministry of Environment and Energy on their website and social media:
Twitter: @CRMinae
Facebook: @minaecr