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Upcoming Events
April 14-17:
Sustainable Meetings Conference
(San Francisco, CA)
April 24:
The Northwest Food Processors Sustainability Summit
(Portland, OR)
May 3-4:
The 6th Annual MIT Sustainability Summit
(Cambridge, MA)
June 2-5:
The Activation Hub
(San Diego, CA)
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Sustainability at GAI
The Sustainability Committee at GAI was formed on Earth Day in 2009. However, this was not the beginning of GAI’s sustainable business
practices. Our employees have promoted the firm’s awareness of
environmentally friendly office products and recycling options for years, and each officehandled sustainability differently. In 2009, GAI’s executive staff determined that a coordinated approach to sustainability would be in the best interest of the firm. The Sustainability Program was launched to the entire staff on Earth Day of 2009. The vision statement for the Sustainability Committee is:
An employee driven, coordinated approach to sustainable business practices. And to ensure a responsible approach to internal business processes that have long-lasting, positive effects on the environment, our employees, and our clients.
The purpose of the Committee is to discuss, analyze and review all internal sustainability initiatives, make recommendations to the Executive Staff through regular communication, and once approved, act on those recommendations.
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Sustainable Brands® Introduces Networking Hub Designed to Accelerate Net Positive Impact
Sustainable Brands® recently announced the Activation Hub, a new and integral component of SB’14 San Diego, June 2-5, 2014, at the Paradise Point Resort and Spa. As a central networking hub, it will serve as a marketplace for learning and collaboration centered on creating a net positive impact through brand innovation.
The Activation Hub is designed to spur thinking beyond the norm, ignite collaborative conversation and accelerate the exchange of tools and ideas among attendees, exhibitors and sponsors. By re-imagining the traditional expo experience, participants in the Activation Hub will focus on interactivity and discussion that leads to redesigning the regenerative economy of the future. Over 90 dedicated Innovation Stations will focus on business issues including Supply Chain & Procurement, Product & Service Innovation, Brand Positioning, Operational Efficiency, Chemistry, and Organizational Development & Culture.
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Northern California innovators Vie for Angel Investment
by Debra Atlas

Companies are finding they need to expand their innovation efforts to meet consumer demand for greener products and services. And angel investors are eagerly seeking to invest in these kinds of companies.
These two forces collided on April 2nd at the 3rd annualSierra Nevada Innovation Challenge. Thirty five start-ups and growing companies vied for the event’s prestigious GLOBIE award as the Most Innovative New Product in California. This competition, presented by Innovate Northstate at Chico State University in Chico, California, provides a showcase for young innovative businesses located outside of Silicon Valley. The event allowed them to present in front of a mix of investors, media, academics and government officials, all in one place.
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Green Comes in Many Colors is a new future model for the way businesses should conduct themselves in the world. As a green business, their mission is to recycle items that would normally be burned or go into a landfills. But, they don’t stop there! They are providing dignified, good-paying jobs to women overseas that, otherwise, would have almost no way, or means to support their families. Green Comes in Many Colors has one-of-a-kind paper beads, handmade by these very talented artisans, and we now have the facility to offer these items for resale throughout the world.
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