USGCC Sponsors

Eco Tips:
Keep Warm This Winter

Adding a sweater and keeping your thermostat down will save energy, but there are other ways to save energy that will keep you warm while saving you money. Some of these ideas include: install a programmable thermostat, perform regular maintenance, insulate your home, and plug leaks and holes.
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Sustainable Solutions: Revisited
Thursday, January 24th, 5:30-8pm

If you attended our last Sustainable Solutions event at UCSD, you already know how incredible it was. If you were unable to make it, we are hosting the sequel on Thursday, January 24th with the same three panelists. These speakers include Rear Admiral L.R.Hering, Sr. Naval Commander, David Saltman, Chairman and CEO of Malama Composites, and Ron Pitt, CEO of Ecodog. The event will be at the Law Offices of Mintz Levin in Carmel Valley from 5:30-8. If you would like to catch up on the first Sustainable Solutions Event we held, watch the video here.
Register for the Event Here
Awakening the Leader Workshop: Global, Systemic and Sustainability
Designed for Business Leaders

Another interesting upcoming event designed for professionals looking to optimize their impact on the future of the planet both personally and professionally. Explore how socially responsible business offers cutting-edge competitive advantage, and network with other influential and action-oriented San Diego professionals.
Learn More and Register Here