USGCC Sponsors

Eco Tips:
Green New Year’s Resolutions

Goals related to health may top some New Year’s resolution lists, but resolving to change your environmental habits could have a huge impact on both yourself and the rest of the world. Below are some ideas for Green New Year’s Resolutions.
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Sustainable Solutions: Revisited
Thursday, January 24th, 5:30-8pm

If you attended our last Sustainable Solutions event at UCSD, you already know how incredible it was. If you were unable to make it, we are hosting the sequel on Thursday, January 24th with the same three panelists. These speakers include Rear Admiral L.R.Hering, Sr. Naval Commander, David Saltman, Chairman and CEO of Malama Composites, and Ron Pitt, CEO of Ecodog. The event will be at the Law Offices of Mintz Levin in Carmel Valley from 5:30-8. If you would like to catch up on the first Sustainable Solutions Event we held, watch the video here.
Register for the Event Here
Earth Fair’s Uncertain Fate

Though it is the largest event held in Balboa Park every year, the future of this year’s Earth Fair is in doubt. About 60,000 people go to Balboa Park to celebrate Mother Earth during Earth Fair, which is held in late April. Event founder and CEO Carolyn Chase was recently told by the city that due to anticipated construction, this year’s Earth Fair would have to be moved.
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