100 Cities for Change: Office Depot Discounts
The U.S. Green Chamber of Commerce has partnered with Office Depot’s and their GreenerOffice program to provide our members with substantial savings on office supplies, with some products up to 80% off.
Take advantage of our Office Depot discount plan along with many other benefits when you sign up or renew as a 100 Cities for Changemember at the affordable rate of only $97, a $4000 value.
If you’re already member and would like to have access to these discounts please contact us at discounts@usgreenchamber.com
and we will send you a membership discount card.
The USGCC is Proud to Announce a New S.E. Regional President

The U.S. Green Chamber of Commerce’s Southeast regional office, which just opened its doors in July 2011, has undergone some exciting changes.
Former G.O.P. state Senator Lee Constantine has been named President of region. As President, Constantine will be helping build educational, networking, and advocacy programs. He’ll represent the Southeast Regional office to the
public, government officials, key stakeholders, and business partners. We anticipate more exciting developments in the month to come.
To learn more please click here.
Peak Oil and Looking Forward to a Post Carbon Future

In the 2011 world oil production data recently released by The US Energy Information Administration,signs of peak oil were clear and evident.
An article by Gail E. Tyerberg on Business Insider does
an excellent job analyzing the data. The gist of the article is …
To continue please click here.
Join Us at One of the Largest Earth Fairs in the Country

Earth Fair 2012 at San Diego’s Balboa Park has expanded into one of the largest Earth Day celebrations in the nation. Over 60,000 visitors will walk the grounds between 8:00am to 5:00pm on April 22nd …
To learn more about EarthFair 2012 click here.
Member Spotlight

Founded in 1969, Lowndes, Drosdick, Doster, Kantor & Reed, P.A., is a
multi-practice law firm that has grown to 107 attorneys and has been named the
largest law firm in Central Florida by the Orlando Business Journal. The firm
To continue with this article please click here.
Sustainable Brands 2012
San Diego CA, June 4-7.
Register Here.
Sustainable Brands 2012–Join us as the Sustainability, Brand Strategy and Innovation Communities convene to shape the future. Discover and participate in the sustainable brand revolution by collaborating to shift consumer demand, drive heretical innovation, and evolve the business case.
Yours for a Greener Future,

Melissa J. Brooks
“There are no passengers on Spaceship Earth. We are all crew.”
-Marshall McLuhan, 1964
If you have questions/suggestions for the newsletter please contact melissa@usgreenchamber.com
In this Issue:
100 Cities for Change Update: Office Depot Discounts
New President of SE Region of USGCC
Peak Oil Looking Forward to A Post Carbon Future
Earth Fair 2012
Member Spotlight
Sustainable Brands 2012

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